Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Car Chase Stop Motion Done By Youtuber

I liked this stop motion because I think the idea of using cars was good. and I liked the way the plasticine characters get out of the sunroofs of their cars and then roll/ fall out. I also liked how different objects come in and out of focus. The movement of the cars was also very well done and the exaggerated drifting looked brilliant.


  1. Good start Saif, you have some detailed comments, a practical task and have started to blog. Now you just need to do it more regularly, anything we do in class from practical work, to photos of work in progress to notes on ideas to videos seen in class that inspire. (e.g. didn't you really like the White Stripes lego music video for fell in love with a girl?)

    You also need to start showing evidence of your research into the history of stop motion animation and to include brainstorms and a moodboard for your final project idea.

    Post regularly..


  2. Research needs to be on the blog by the end of term for me to mark.

    I also want to see your ideas for your main animated project and a mood board for this as you will have to pitch your idea when we get back.

